How Low Testosterone Effects Women
How Low Testosterone affects women, If you've noticed some of the symptoms below, check your testosterone levels.
Women must keep their testosterone levels balanced to stay mentally and physically healthy. To learn more about how low testosterone affects women, we have detailed all this below.
You're tired.
Low testosterone can cause fatigue. It could be a sign of low testosterone if you're always tired. However, if your level is low enough and you aren't getting enough sleep, then this will also make you feel fatigued (and cranky).
If you think your fatigue is caused by depression or anemia (a condition where red blood cells are not as healthy as they should be), a blood test is a good way to indicate your symptoms.
Your weight creeps up.
Your weight may creep up if you're a woman with low testosterone. This is because low levels of testosterone can lead to an increase in body fat and water retention.
The amount of weight gained depends on how much your testosterone is affected–if it's only slightly lower than usual, then you might only gain a few pounds over time. However, if the drop was significant (as in the case of post-menopausal women), it could cause significant changes in body composition and appearance.
Your sex drive is on the low side.
If you're a woman and your sex drive is low, it may be because of low testosterone. However, low testosterone can decrease sexual desire in both women and men.
Low libido is one of the most common symptoms of low testosterone in women. Studies show that about 75% of women with low Testosterone report having some degree of reduced libido.
Testosterone levels in women naturally decline after menopause and at other points in life. But you may also experience low testosterone due to certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorders.
You have less energy.
Low testosterone can cause fatigue, low sex drive, and weight gain and may lead to hair loss in women.
You've noticed your hair thinning and falling out.
You've noticed your hair thinning and falling out. If this is a new problem, it may be time to talk to your doctor about low testosterone levels. Hair loss is one of the most common symptoms of low testosterone in women, but it's not the only one–and it doesn't necessarily mean that you have a severe medical condition.
Hair loss can be caused by many things: stress; illness; unhealthy habits like smoking or drinking too much alcohol; and even medications (including birth control pills). When these things happen, they can cause inflammation in our bodies, making us more susceptible to other conditions like alopecia areata (patchy baldness), which has no cure but often goes away on its own after several months or years.
You have trouble concentrating and focusing.
If you're having trouble concentrating and focusing, it might be due to low testosterone. You may feel like your brain is foggy or that you can't remember things as well as usual. You might also find that once you start a task, it's hard for you to stick with it until completion–and then when someone else asks for your help or advice on something similar, they have no problem finishing what they started but somehow get distracted by something else along the way!
This symptom of low testosterone is prevalent among women who are experiencing perimenopause (the phase leading up to menopause).
You may want to cry all the time – without any actual reason!
You may want to cry all the time – without any actual reason! This is a symptom of low testosterone and depression. Depression can cause you to cry, but it's also more than that: it's an illness that affects your mood and thinking patterns. So if you're experiencing any of these symptoms (or if someone who knows you has noticed them) then taking a test might explain your symptoms.
It's essential to check your testosterone levels if you feel like you're not yourself lately.
If you feel like you're not yourself lately, checking your testosterone levels is essential. However, you can do things if you have low testosterone; getting tested is the first step.
To diagnose low Testosterone, a blood test can be done directly to you, and then compare those results with what's considered normal for women in their 40s or 50s–the age range when women tend to experience this condition most often.
If the results come back positive, talk with them about how best to treat it: either by adjusting any medications that could be causing the issue or through hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
So, if you're feeling like you're not yourself lately and aren't sure why it might be worth checking your testosterone levels if they are low, we can help!
Please speak to one of our Nurses today or order your blood test kit online. We can send your test kit directly to your door, and your results will return to you within the same week.